Developing cancer is heartbreaking and traumatic. There are the few who don’t have to go through the acceptance process, but not everyone is like that. Most people have to come to terms with the news. There are adjustments to be made around their entire life. Things like intimacy will be permanently changed and you will have to work around the symptoms handed to you.
Intimacy problems can be worsened if you are going through menopause. For example, a hysterectomy or oophorectomy will speed up the time you go through menopause. You’re dealing with vaginal dryness, mood swings and even low—it’s no wonder cancer and menopause can damage your intimate moments.
Relationship Between Menopause And Cancer
Forms of genital cancer may lead to a process called a hysterectomy or an oophorectomy. In these procedures the uterus and/or ovaries are removed from the body. The removal of the ovaries will halt the production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in the human body triggering perimenopause or menopause.
During perimenopause you will start to slowly lose estrogen and develop mood swings. These can start to make you feel worse about yourself, especially since you just had surgery. All of these combined can make you not want to be intimate with your partner and avoid touching them in general.
Working Around Side Effects
Menopause is a natural process that happens to all women. Beating cancer should be celebrated, no matter your phase in life. Here at Restore Femininity we’re capable of helping with your vaginal dryness, since our product is considered the best lubricant for menopause dryness. But, addressing self-esteem issues should come first.
The removal of your ovaries, combined with going through menopause, exponentially increases your chances of developing depression. The lack of hormones being produced unbalances your brain and can trigger depression. Seeing a therapist to get this resolved before it turns into anything more sinister should be a priority.
Your therapist can even address your intimacy problems, dry vagina and/or menopausal dryness issues. If you need more tips, you should see a sex therapist. A sex therapist is no different than a regular therapist but their field is more focused on the intimate aspects of relationships.
Coming to Terms
This may seem like a terrible experience at the moment. However, you can get through it. Things are changing and may never shift back to how it was, but you have to be strong and adapt to your new life. Change can mean that you’re about to experience a whole new world. Your intimacy may be light now, but once you put the work in you’ll see an improvement.
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