Monday is here again, you wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through your blinds. You know it’s time to get the kids ready for school, so you get out of bed and knock on their doors and tell them it’s time to get up. As the kids are upstairs getting dressed, you’re in the kitchen preparing their breakfast. Everything seems okay until you spill a glass of milk. Suddenly, tears start to pour down your face like the liquid that fell out of the glass. How could one glass of milk cause such an emotional reaction?
The answer to this common question is menopause. When women start to go through menopause, they experience a variety of symptoms. These include mixed and often unstable emotions, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and in some cases memory decline.
While most physical symptoms can be treated, for example taking Femininity will help with vaginal dryness, here are some ways to deal with the emotional effects of menopause.
Dealing With Brain Fog
Brain fog is a common issue when it comes to menopause and the brain. Brain fog is responsible for confusion, memory loss and often leads to menopausal fatigue. Vaginal dryness may be tough for a woman going through menopause, but imagine experiencing decreased awareness and focus. These symptoms can take a definite toll on your daily functions.
Setting a Sleep Schedule
One way to suppress the symptoms that come with brain fog is setting an adequate sleep schedule. Getting plenty of sleep will help you retain a sharp memory. The best way to achieve a good night of rest is by creating a dark and quiet environment, free of any interruptions.
Exercise Is Good for the Mind
Exercising regularly will not only help with fighting vaginal dryness, but can also aid memory and preserve your brain function. The more you keep your mind and body active, the less menopause will slow you down.
Manage Your Stress Levels
Make sure you are also managing your stress levels. This will help avoid insomnia and hot flashes, both of which are common causes of menopausal fatigue. On another note, wind down before bed. Try not to exercise or eat too close to bedtime. This is to make sure you aren’t disrupting your newly developed sleep schedule.
Don’t let menopause play with your emotions.
The post Your Brain During Menopause appeared first on Femininity.